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The Anger Storm: How Long Does It Take for Kids to Calm Down?


Have you ever wondered why your kiddo’s anger seems to linger longer than that last piece of broccoli on their dinner plate? You’re not alone! Anger in kids is like a summer storm—quick to build up, but it takes some time to clear up.


Why It Takes Time

When kids get angry, their bodies flood with adrenaline and cortisol, the “fight or flight” hormones. Imagine a tiny superhero gearing up for battle! These hormones can make their hearts race, muscles tense, and minds whirl like a merry-go-round on overdrive. It’s a full-body experience, and it takes time for these hormones to dissipate. Think of it as a mini rollercoaster ride that needs a few minutes to slow down and stop.


How Long Is the Ride?

Typically, it can take about 20 minutes for a child’s body to process and calm down from an anger episode. But let’s be real—when your little one is mid-meltdown, 20 minutes can feel like a century!


Helping the Calm

Here’s where you come in, Super Parent! Help them ride out the storm with some calming techniques. Deep breaths, a quiet cuddle corner, or even a silly dance to shake off the grumpies can work wonders. Remind them (and yourself) that it’s okay to feel angry—it’s just a part of growing up.


So, next time you’re facing a tiny tornado of anger, remember: It’s just a phase, and with a little patience, the sun will shine again.

You’ve got this!